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April: Something to Interact With

Hi, everyone! In 2024, we’ll give away the prompts for our monthly Cafe Analog’s friendly journaling challenge #caprojectme24 periodically, to add a bit of freshness and spontaneity! 😀

Can you create a journal spread where you have an element

Well, the design prompt for this month is: Something to Interact With.

This month, create a page in your journal where you can “interact” with it! This means something like creating a window you can open, a tip-in you tip over to read the writing underneath, an envelope you can open so that you can read a letter you hide inside it, a series of pictures taped to an accordion-folded paper so you have to pull one of the edges to see all the pictures, something you can push in or pull out of the pages… the possibility is endless!

The idea is to make you interact with your own journal pages when you’re reading/looking at it! 😀

If you join this #caprojectme24 challenge, you can also share the story about which interactive element you have in your journal to inspire others! 🙂

These are some April writing prompts you can choose for the #caprojectme24 (you can choose one or work on all of them weekly):


What does the word “spring” mean to you—either as a season or a verb? Which memories suddenly flood your mind as you hear the word? You can also decorate your page with a picture, a stamp, or other stationery items that represent this memory 🙂


What are the lessons spring season can teach us? If spring brings you a message, what would it say?


Are you doing some spring cleaning? List down 10 things you wish to “clean” out of your life. They can be anything and don’t have to be material things.


Write a short letter from you to the spring season! This can be a nice way to play with your imagination, and also to create an “interactive element” in your journal!

If you are doing this #caprojectme24 at the end of April, you can also write down a recap of your month, highlighting important events or life lessons you’ve experienced. Feel free to be creative and choose/translate/modify the prompts as you like!

You can also tag us with #caprojectme24 to share your page with our Cafe Analog community! Have fun, experiment, and play with your interactive element, and most importantly: let your journal be yours—and enjoy the process!!!

Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

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