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Baum-Kuchen Pins

 8,95 9,99

Trust the Process Pin was designed and created by Baum-kuchen.

We truly believe that creativity comes from action. We hope that you can use this pin on your pouch, bag or jacket as a reminder to keep trying and exploring new ideas.

Dimension: 1/2″ diameter

Designed By: Baum-Kuchen in Los Angeles, CA


Ichigo Ichie Pin was designed and created by Baum-kuchen.

Its inspiration comes from the Japanese word “Ichigo Ichie”. To us, it captures the idea of honoring to spend the given moment as present as we can. “Here. Now. Together with you.”

The design features the Chinese characters for “Ichigo Ichie”.

We hope you can use this pin as a gentle reminder to slow down and embrace your special company, space, and the gift of being present.

Dimension: 0.75″ diameter

Designed By: Baum-Kuchen in Los Angeles, CA


BK Clover Pin is designed and created by Baum-kuchen. We hope that you can use this pin on your pouch, bag or jacket to bring the adventurous spirit of Baum-kuchen everywhere you go!

Dimension: 3/8″ diameter

Designed By: Baum-Kuchen in Los Angeles, CA


BK Cherry Blossom pin is here

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