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Yamadoro – Cause You Have a Lazy Day – Rest is for Longer Journey – Stamp


We are also happy to bring the playful, whimsical, yet minimalist, clean design of Yamadoro to our shop! Our selection features some of Yamadoro’s most popular stamps and the ever-popular character that spells out the brand’s spirit and approach to life, Mr. Bird! This one is from the collection “Cause You Have A Lazy Day”. It is perfect for those of you full-timers or entrepreneurs who need to be reminded of the reason why you work in the first place (to give you motivation), the ups and downs of working days (sometimes you want to lie flat and forget everything), and also the importance of rest (it’s needed so we are not burned out!). The collection is a humorous yet gentle take that allows us to keep going at work at our own pace!

Rest is for Longer Journey, 4.5 x 2.5 x 2cm.

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