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Hi, everyone! In 2024, we’ll give away the prompts for our monthly Cafe Analog’s friendly journaling challenge #caprojectme24 periodically, to add a bit of freshness and spontaneity! 😀

And the design prompt for this month is SOMETHING OLD & SOMETHING NEW.

Choose some of your favorite stationery items; combining your recent favorites with some really old stationery items you have in your possession! Maybe some of the first stationery items you’ve ever bought?

We think it’s wonderful to start the year by enjoying the new but also appreciating the old—and this also goes for stationery items in our collection!

If you join this #caprojectme24 challenge, you can also share the story about the old stationery items you choose in the caption. What is it? Could you remember when and why you got it?

Hopefully, this challenge will inspire us to fall in love with our old stationery items and find ways to use them in new ways!

And these are some writing prompts you can choose for the #caprojectme24 (you can choose one or work on all of them weekly):


Create a page with the number 2 0 2 4 and write about your hopes, dreams, and wishes for this year, especially when it comes to your well-being, personal development, and overall contentment.


Write a tiny love letter to yourself in 2023 (last year), appreciating and acknowledging everything you have (or haven’t) done. Just be kind and forgiving, gentle and supportive.


Which areas of your life would you like to improve this year? What would you want it to look like and feel like? What are you going to do? Who will be there with you? Take time to enjoy and imagine it!


Make lists of “25 Tiny Bucket List”, listing down 25 tiny things you wish to do this year that will bring you joy. It can be as simple as “going to the forest” or “having croissants from my favorite bakery” or “spending an hour in a bookstore” or “play with air-dry clay”.

Remember, the tiniest the better! They should be things you know you can do if you want to, and quite affordable and accessible, too. Then go back to this list throughout 2024 and see if you can check them all! 🙂

If you are doing this #caprojectme24 at the end of January, you can also write down a recap of your month, highlighting important events or life lessons you’ve experienced.

Feel free to be creative and choose/translate/modify the prompts as you like! You can also tag us with #caprojectme24 to share your page with our Cafe Analog community!

Have fun, experiment, make a mess, and most importantly: enjoy your journaling time!

Photo by Andres Molina on Unsplash

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