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Hi, everyone! In 2024, we’ll give away the prompts for our monthly Cafe Analog’s friendly journaling challenge #caprojectme24 periodically, to add a bit of freshness and spontaneity! 😀

Can you create a journal spread with/without something? If you’re used to filling up a page with words, what if you fill up a page without words this time, only collaging or drawing? If you’re used to using stamps, what if you create a journal spread without stamps? If you think stickers are your go-to journaling supplies, what about creating a page without any stickers, at all?

Well, the design prompt for this month is: WITH/WITHOUT.

This is the month to expand our comfort zones, just like how plants grow their leaves back in spring after wintertime. It’s a chance for us to play with different supplies and materials we rarely use, and enabling us to create without our “favorite” things.

If you join this #caprojectme24 challenge, you can also share the story about the journal spread you make, and which materials you create the page with(out)! 🙂 In which way are you stepping out of your comfort zone through this challenge? We hope this challenge will also remind us that experimenting will feed creativity! 🙂

These are some March writing prompts you can choose for the #caprojectme24 (you can choose one or work on all of them weekly):


Create a page with a list of 15 things you currently have/experience, that you CAN actually live without. What are these things? What does your list tell about yourself and what’s important/meaningful in your life?


What kind of people, situations, or experiences would you like to surround yourself with? What are the things/experiences you wish you could have more in your life? What are the projects/activities you’d like to spend more time on? Who are the people you’d like to spend more time with?


If you have to create a minimal stationery capsule to use for 3 months, consisting of only 7 items from your current stationery collection, which items will you put inside? Why do you think they’ll be perfect for you? How do you think you can change your approach to journaling if you can only work with these 7 items?


What are the things that make up your “comfort zone” at the moment? What are some of the things/feelings/experiences you’ve been missing these days? How do you think you can bring these things/feelings/experiences back—in whatever form and intensity—into your current life?

If you are doing this #caprojectme24 at the end of March, you can also write down a recap of your month, highlighting important events or life lessons you’ve experienced. Feel free to be creative and choose/translate/modify the prompts as you like!

You can also tag us with #caprojectme24 to share your page with our Cafe Analog community! Have fun, experiment, make a mess, and most importantly: enjoy your journaling time!

Photo by pure julia on Unsplash

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